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How to use Rc<BufReader<File>> ? I get error at line 8.

33 ответов

17 просмотров
Brian- Автор вопроса

You're using Rc. Consider cloning.

let x = Rc::new(4); let _y = Rc::clone(&x);

Brian- Автор вопроса
screenshot Get this error now.

No no. Read my message correctly.

screenshot Get this error now.

I said Rc::clone(&reader) not reader.clone()

Brian- Автор вопроса

you need to get &mut BufReader<File> out of your Rc, but for that you'll need a RefCell

Brian- Автор вопроса
screenshot What am I doing wrong? 😳

(&mut *reader.borrow_mut()).lines()

Brian- Автор вопроса

What do I use on types that don't implement Copy trait?

What do I use on types that don't implement Copy t...

do you really need Rc in your example? I doubt it

Brian- Автор вопроса
Artem Starikov
do you really need Rc in your example? I doubt it

What else can I do, since I am using reader again, and reader originally is BufReader<File> which has no Copy trait

Brian- Автор вопроса
Try using RefCell without Rc.

I thought all RefCell does is allow to borrow mutably on immutable types

What else can I do, since I am using reader again,...

Rc won't help you with this at all. yes, lines takes BufReader by Self, however, the Read trait is implemented for &mut T where T: Read, so you only need to make Self == &mut BufReader. the way you do this is by (&mut buf_reader).lines()

Brian- Автор вопроса
Artem Starikov
Rc won't help you with this at all. yes, lines ta...

😂, What vodoo is this? can you explain more.

😂, What vodoo is this? can you explain more.

just do let reader = BufReader::new(file); and use (&mut reader).lines()

Brian- Автор вопроса
Artem Starikov
just do let reader = BufReader::new(file); and use...

Hmm... can't borrow mutably, are you sure we don't need RefCell to make that possible? otherwise make reader mut?

screenshot Hmm... can't borrow mutably, are you sure we don't...

let mut reader`is enough. you don't need `RefCell here at all

screenshot Hmm... can't borrow mutably, are you sure we don't...

You overengineered it. You don't need it there.

Brian- Автор вопроса
Artem Starikov
let mut reader`is enough. you don't need `RefCell ...

Now notice the output. it doesn't read the lines in the file anymore. 😂 The line: println!("LINE:{}",line.unwrap()); Now never runs.

screenshot Now notice the output. it doesn't read the lines i...

well yes, the first call to lines() read the whole file, so the second call to lines() cannot read any lines past the file end

Brian- Автор вопроса
Artem Starikov
well yes, the first call to lines() read the whole...

😂😂, so would have rather read those values and stored in a Vec<String> 😂... No need for mut, thanks.

😂😂, so would have rather read those values and sto...

actually, something along these lines would work: let lines = file.lines() .inspect(|line| println!("LINE: {}", line.unwrap()) .count();

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