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Guys , what language do you think is mostly used

for servers of multiplayer games?
I'm planning to build a portofolio and i can't choose between golang , node and rust
Also do you have any suggestions for the game itself?(i don't want it to be super flashy tho 😅, since i want to focus on server side )
Plz let me know if this is considered off-topic in this chat

13 ответов

19 просмотров

Most net code libs are c or c++

mohammad- Автор вопроса
Most net code libs are c or c++

you mean net module of node ? then node is out ?

Golang uses GC, which makes it behave inconsistently and causes lag spikes (see for example https://blog.discord.com/why-discord-is-switching-from-go-to-rust-a190bbca2b1f - please not the date though, things might have changed) Nodejs uses GC well, multithreading is not available afaik (I might be wrong here) and it should be rather slow compared to Go, Rust, C or C++ Rust should be fine performance-wise but it's a rather new language, so there will be less libraries available compared to C or C++

But it all depends on the game and on your needs after all. if you have a turn-based game where latency is not that important, you might/will be fine with Go or Node as well. I just wouldn't use it for a Shooter or anything where it's important to be close to "real time"

Run away from go. It'll make your life miserable

mohammad- Автор вопроса

Depends on the server: some services backend or actually gameplay server. For backend it depends, I was writing a chat backend for an MMO on golang, and that was pretty good, but not sure if it would work well for something very big like backend for the whole services part (login/meta game/payments integration/etc). If you want to make the server for the gameplay logic, then its better to write it in the language your game is written, and if you use a game engine, you should look at some solutions that are usually used with this engine. So if things go wrong you have a chance find answers.

mohammad- Автор вопроса
Depends on the server: some services backend or ac...

Thanks, i will see what godot has to say as you said 👍🌻


Hi. Productivity wise, should I go with Vulkan hpp or Vulkan c headers? This might be a personal preference, of course.

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