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Wagmi ? No nuxt or sveltekit then it's another damnshell

for so many scamming react garbage.

15 ответов

17 просмотров


Ash1-kh Автор вопроса
Steve ANT

In my experience, only hit and run or rug pull type project requires quick react, for enterprise level it requires more than writing testable codes, I am rust, c, py guy and amazed how messy js is, ts tries to close the lacking still not enough, when I see any cli supports react out of the box but not enterprise level support for nuxt or svelte it's a sure case of sorta scamming for me.

Ash1 kh
In my experience, only hit and run or rug pull typ...

You should simply say that you hate the JavaScript ecosystem, I've worked on many complex projects with React + Typescript and other utils like Wagmi, walletconnect etc And it's not scamming at all. Many Enterprise sites are built on that tech stack, idk whatever you're talking about Also, Wagmi is especially built for React, and now if they don't re-write their stuff for svelte/nuxt then it's a scam? Many cli's are written only for React Your logic is pretty terrible I should say.

Ash1-kh Автор вопроса
Steve ANT
You should simply say that you hate the JavaScript...

LoL, understood, you need to see the horizon, in Linux there is term called bloatware. 😂

Ash1 kh
LoL, understood, you need to see the horizon, in L...

There's also a term called "I can't refute it"

Ash1-kh Автор вопроса
Krakovia | KKTeam (afk from 25-30)
what a strange point of view O.o

Haha, 7 billions of people wouldn't share the same likings mate.

Ash1-kh Автор вопроса
Steve ANT
Not everyone lacks the common sense

You really need to check your reality 😜

Ash1 kh
You really need to check your reality 😜

You can't refute a single point and now trash talking

Ash1-kh Автор вопроса
Steve ANT
You can't refute a single point and now trash talk...

I can list long to refute all of your point, 15 years in multiple lang mates, I picked one things or two. But free opinion is prohibited and will be attacked in these communities as it seems

Ash1 kh
I can list long to refute all of your point, 15 ye...

But you haven't done it already, I don't care about your work experience either, And we're pretty open to the point where you don't call it a scam

Ash1 kh
I can list long to refute all of your point, 15 ye...

Well, if you call scams who use a certain type of stack (and it's one of the most used in the world) what do you expect? 😂

Ash1-kh Автор вопроса
Krakovia | KKTeam (afk from 25-30)
Well, if you call scams who use a certain type of ...

Not too much, which is why so many scam projects in crypto. They all wait for certain money pour and then vanish, magic ta-da..

Ash1 kh
Not too much, which is why so many scam projects i...

how is this related to the frameworks? it's like saying openZeppelin helps peoples doing scams because everyone use their contracts o.O

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