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I was watching a YouTube video on Living Proof Revival

Ministry and the pastor on the Program Mario Murillo gave a prophesy about someone receiving a financial miracle of 60,000,000 dollars within the next 72 hours. He dropped a number to call and immediately to claim this financial miracle immediately i called the number and he prayed for me asking me if I believed and with a heart full of faith I accepted to do all instructed by the Holyspirit. God timing is perfect. God used him to influence my life and i am hoping to preach the Gospel like you do someday. I needed a financial breakthrough and as u said something about Mark 10:27 and James 1:8 I applied it and as young as I am God has given me over 60,000,000 dollars in less than 3 months for my companies broker for Easy Estate Probate boosting our Estate planning in less than a week our company is now a pioneer and stand outs among all other stuffs am so excited about what God has done in my life through him. I would like to encourage everyone to be a part of Living Proof Revival Ministry and watch his channel on YouTube @Thank you so much and please help me in your prayers for more miracles. This is a direct link to his Facebook account. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093428773976

2 ответов

6 просмотров

Are you real elon musk

/dban direct link to hell

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