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The new article basically says the following: Izay and a

friend of him are developing the Discord bot they presented on the Hackathon. Not too much news there. This is well known. Both received part of the funds for it... also not a lot of news.

Not sure what this article is trying to achieve. It is known that they work together on this. If a single person wanted to get funded for it, there is absolutely no need to split it to two wallets.

I absolutely do not understand what is wrong with the behaviour the article is showing. What is the news here?

Also: Using 2 different wallets on different planets for candidacy is absolutely fine. Thats allowed.

8 ответов

42 просмотра

to be fair mate.. it's not really what it's saying... but i get that the group around him wants to portray it like that... shouldn't be hard for "his" friend to have a unique gamertag, create his own wallet, etc... that would have minimized the possible areas of scrutiny...

Shrimp-Baguette Автор вопроса
MightyMinion - Will Work For Draxos Axe(s) 🤣
to be fair mate.. it's not really what it's saying...

Izay is using one wallet for candidacy on Veles and another one on Naron. That is allowed. Not against the ToS.

Shrimp Baguette
Izay is using one wallet for candidacy on Veles an...

allowed.. yeah... needed...? not really, but do tell me why...?

Shrimp-Baguette Автор вопроса
MightyMinion - Will Work For Draxos Axe(s) 🤣
allowed.. yeah... needed...? not really, but do ...

Because the unstake on his other account is almost finished and it makes sense to split that stake on different accounts to have more flexibility in voting.

the tos says that from what i found: You may, in principle, use multiple accounts per blockchain to interact with Alien WorldsTM, including to exercise voting rights within a Planetary DAO, always provided that you may not use multiple accounts per blockchain: to enable more than one candidacy per End User to the planetary council of a Planetary DAO;

Shrimp-Baguette Автор вопроса
the tos says that from what i found: You may, in ...

We even asked the lead developer, Dalls, on Alien Worlds if it is allowed before doing so.

Shrimp Baguette
We even asked the lead developer, Dalls, on Alien...

than it is just weird, they don't allow multiple accounts for mining, but they allow it for candidacy. why they wrote it in the tos, then?

Shrimp Baguette
Because the unstake on his other account is almost...

spoken like a true politician.. 🙏️️️️️️ i will say as much, as the hard work you put in will most likely never outshine all the stuff that is getting done in crazy fringe obscure and hidden ways... add to that, the never ending use of people that have been proven to hurt the ecosystem in the past, possible to get them into their current positions of (voting)power... is just wrong on soo many levels. if you ever want to actually listen, and not just keep on defending the same people, from the same evidence/accussations ... let me know... the fact the things you've earlier stated was bad/poor ideas/etc, just to act on them later as was they your own ideas or plans, with no hidden intend .... just slowly makes it harder for me to take anything from you as Concrete Facts and not just another spin to sway public perception. Sad to see and hear soo many of the community members thats been around for years, being told by a tiny group of people ( who has known malicious actors within it) that their opinion does not matter... Cause many of those saying that, would not matter either if is was not for breaking the rules, acting in bad faith and exploiting anything possible to get to where they are at... 😓️️️️️️

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