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Is there a reason why stacking and delegating aren’t combined

into one action for users? This is a rough idea, but it can:
⁃ The user chooses to stake. Once the user staked, a message explains how that staked amount can also be used to delegate. The message needs to explain the importance of delegating and that the user would still get staking rewards for it ( right ?).
⁃ The user is then taken to the delegation dashboard where he can delegate (essential to remind the user that he will still earn staking rearwards)

With the above method, users know they get to stake and delegate simultaneously. And they earn staking rewards for it. If you think about it, users are getting paid to vote through staking rewards.

2 ответов

41 просмотр

delegated voting cannot be simplified into a single action, as it is a more intricate process. primarily, this involves a lock time based on conviction, meaning it's not feasible to merge it into one action where users stake and delegate tokens simultaneously I agree that there should be a message or notification in the dApp, informing all users, particularly those who stake, about the opportunity to delegate their voting power. this way, they can continue to receive rewards and actively participate in important network decisions without any loss overall, it's crucial to remind and notify users about these opportunities. however, it's also important to acknowledge that many people are reluctant to vote or delegate their voting power. therefore, a key aspect is persuading users to delegate their tokens, rather than expecting them to take initiative on their own

btw, Chris, this is just my answer. I've forwarded your feedback internally

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