209 похожих чатов

Lol is just wrote a long text about tokenomics etc

and it was directly deleted, no curses or similar so i write it again in shorter.

Hey Ben
600m eco system tokens, around 30m are used each year. Whats the need of 600m? Burn 80% of them or at least tell us the plan, because there is no way all of them will be used. They are rotting there since 4 years, common.

360m team tokens
Runrate is 150m a year, you said it will go down in q4, is this still true? If yes, how much? If no, why not? Because i saw that since 6 month only the "future team and investors token" went down, the one vesting right now are still the same. So how can it go down by that much in half a year?

The team always talks about beeing transparent, but even though i and others asked many times over the last years. No clear answer was given. Make it easy for us and show what (and when) happens with them. Im sure 99% of investors have no clue about the tokenomics, change this.

7 ответов

61 просмотр

Nice questions to ask.. We as a community must get the satisfactory answer from the team...

delete this

The team clearly hears you. You can also tag the people, than they get a notifaction. @Ben_WG A lot of feedback is here about tokenomics.

@Ben_WG or @Joshua_Workman_WG will be best one to answer these 🫡

re: the transparency part - this is in progress, we are addressing all these issues.

can you DM me what you wrote?

.-Duss Автор вопроса

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