209 похожих чатов

Hey, Quick question, so I am looking at a pool's APR which

is giving me a range.
Base and Max APR is given.
my question is like if I don't plan to stake for a very long time which means I'll be getting less veFXS and lesser rewards.
But can I expect atleast base APR for the timeperiod I stake my capital?

16 ответов

2 просмотра
Himanshu-Gupta Автор вопроса

do I have lock my capital specifically? or does it get locked automatically?

Himanshu-Gupta Автор вопроса

I see. is it possible that the uniswap v3 usdc-frax staking can be done in chain other than L1?

Himanshu Gupta
in stables?

Yes, you can check all the pools here https://app.frax.finance/staking

You will get FXS as rewards you can stake it in veFXS to boost other pools

Himanshu-Gupta Автор вопроса
Wa (¤³, ¤³) | I won't PM you first
You will get FXS as rewards you can stake it in ve...

I see. so if I don't stake FXS at all. then i'll be getting the base APY only right?

Himanshu-Gupta Автор вопроса

so if I LP in USDC-FRAX and lock in for say 6 months. then my USDC-FRAX are locked for 6 months right? second question: is there a mechanism from which I can calculate for any given time how much APR I'll be getting?

Himanshu Gupta
so if I LP in USDC-FRAX and lock in for say 6 mont...

Yes they will be locked for 6 months. As for APR calculator we don't have one at the moment but you can calculate it

Himanshu-Gupta Автор вопроса

Go to the staking page and move the slider of the staking period it will show the time multiplier let's say it shows 3x (time) , then the APR will be (base APR) 16.84% * 3 = 50.52% your total APR

Himanshu-Gupta Автор вопроса

one more please, so if I stake for le't say 4 months, then it'd be 16.84% * 4/12. is this correct?

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