212 похожих чатов

Dr. Thanks for sharing your great experience visiting AllianceBlock office

in Zug 💎💎💎💎💎


12 ответов

1 просмотр
Masha 💎- Won't DM- Автор вопроса

#METANFT 👀 https://twitter.com/MajorX11878154/status/1521569724345327618?s=20&t=WSY4FiV6CrYYLkwlBwlr1w

Edward Elric

Yeah I've seen that already Also following it on Twitter as well

I read something about an internal announcement of the winners on Friday

Edward Elric
I will check Twitter

You can check the link you tagged me on, it's amongst the top tweets

Rachid made a comment about the hackathon starting 2 days ago.

Yes but its internally

Yes it has but I heard it's internally

Edward Elric
Yes but its internally

Okay...how do one have access to it?

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