210 похожих чатов

What’s the point in selling? This happened in May last

year. UST has lost its peg twice before it’s nothing new. #$LUNA to $30 🚀 see you in 2024.

20 ответов

3 просмотра

Man probably you smoke something wrong

You do know they minted more than 6 trillion luna tokens. It's never going to reach that price again

Teguh Y
yes he will if ust = 1 usd

They already gave up on the peg. no one wants UST anymore

Scott Coleman

stop fucking scammer

Scott Coleman

get a job and stop scam

They already gave up on the peg. no one wants UST ...

no he still have plan with they btc, read in twitter

Teguh Y
no he still have plan with they btc, read in twitt...

It’s impossible to bring it back to 1$,he needs lot of investment,he sold already all btc

Teguh Y
no he still have plan with they btc, read in twitt...

They sold btc to try and stabilize the peg. It didn't work

They sold btc to try and stabilize the peg. It did...

Yeah and now as backup they are selling Luna to collect money to stabilize ust and Luna has infinite supply so imagine soon how much supply it will have

minting of Luna stopped.

Did you read twit some hours ago ?about blockchain production is resumed

How Day
Did you read twit some hours ago ?about blockchain...

cz_binance tweet Was in a no-phone meeting for 2hrs. At least, there is progress. Luna blockchain resumed, no more minting. And deposits, withdrawals and trading resumed. Trading is important for existing holders. Please do NOT buy a coin just because trading is on. DYOR! EXTREME caution!

they still have 19Billion follars on BSC

Are u sure? Show me the source of the number

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