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I have one big issue, last night i put my

laptop on (IPS) overnight on a relatively bright image (paused video) and when i woke up the screen was darker (i forgot to configure a screensaver, fuck me)
i turned it off for an hour (it didn't really need it) and then turned on, the screen was less bright than yesterday. so i played around and opened programs and then the screen flickered, then a "burn-in" effect happened on the screen and the fonts and some icons were on it, after 2-3 seconds they got disappeared and the brightness got into the normal scale. i even tested a videogame to insure its not the graphics card.

now then, i left the computer like how normally i do thinking it all magically fixed and monitor may been out sync but after 10-20 minutes? (i was on a call) i came back and it was again dark. so i again opened new windows and then same thing happened and the screen is normal again

9 ответов

7 просмотров

Cheap OLED display?

Parsa- Автор вопроса
Usma Csce
Cheap OLED display?

nope, its a 4k IPS 15" laptop monitor which i had for 6 years now

nope, its a 4k IPS 15" laptop monitor which i had ...

IPS screens don’t have burn-in, they have image retention and it’s not permanent

Parsa- Автор вопроса

Sounds like you have an HP XD

Parsa- Автор вопроса

so whenever i turn the screen on after couple of hours the brighness is low on bright areas, and dark areas are a bit more shiny then a image retention happens for 2-3 seconds and then it all resolves

so whenever i turn the screen on after couple of h...

That's interesting. No never seen it before

Parsa- Автор вопроса
Nader Jafari
That's interesting. No never seen it before

and you drink your brittish earl grey tea from a java cup? traitor

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