210 похожих чатов

Guys. question here yesterday there were 3 green ticks. Today alone. traded

still need to trade or what to do?

7 ответов

1 просмотр

There is being some issues with the primelist page sir the team is already working on it please wait it will be back to normal 👍

Point number 1 User have to finish 500USDT daily average trading for 3 days Point number 2 You can refer to the picture

🇮🇳Ravi - Huobi Knight | WILL NOT DM YOU FIRST
There is being some issues with the primelist page...

Sir i Got The Primelist Allocation Cupon But I can do this task or join directly

Prakash Smiley PS
Sir i Got The Primelist Allocation Cupon But I can...

You'll get a guaranteed allocation with that coupon But you have to do the task first

about 50000U,please refresh your page to check it again,thank you

Prakash Smiley PS
Sir i Got The Primelist Allocation Cupon But I can...

campaign has not started yet,From 11:00 (UTC) May 24 to 11:00 (UTC) May 25, eligible users can register to participate in this event. Their USDT balances in the Exchange Account will be locked automatically once the registration is completed. Note: If you have not registered for the event, you will not be able to participate in the token sale. From 11:00 (UTC) to 12:30 (UTC) May 25, The system will randomly pick the lucky winners from all eligible participants. The winners are qualified to purchase a minimum of 1 share (50 USDT-worth) of KCT Participants who do not win any shares will have their USDT tokens automatically unlocked and released to their Exchange Account. https://www.huobi.com/support/en-us/detail/54907270203021

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