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What happens if Celsius agrees to increase my collateral to

decrease my LTV, but takes over 36hrs to do that... and in that time (while I'm waiting for them to add my collateral) prices drop to hit my liquidation level..?
Will Celsius still liquidate me, even though the agreed to add enough collateral that I wouldn't have been liquidated?

3 ответов

6 просмотров

I had exactly this- margin call Tuesday - responded to them by email-app support/ twitter fast response team- no reply till 6pm uk time yesterday (Friday) 72 hours later- Giving me info on how I could add collateral - info that could have gone out in the first margin call- then liquidated my loan ( 25% ltv) at 9am this morning ( I’m in the uk so no phone support) and charged $597 admin fee ( probably in t&c’s) I am so pissed at this blatant theft/ it’s just the same as a rug pull if you withhold information crucial to the clients ability to add collateral to resolve their margin call. Let’s now see if they give back my remaining assets held with them . I had 1.39 btc in my earn account at the time and 8 ETH. But they don’t do cross collateralisation . Really disappointed in their coms. I really did think they were different. I’m guessing freezing transfers in and out isn’t in the t&c’s but I’ll be going through them in detail over the next few days. Doesn’t anyone want to set up a separate group of people who’ve been liquidated in this way?

This makes holding your crypto ransom even worse. I wish I could sell some of mine but I have lost hope I will see my coins ever

Kira Coinzilla
This makes holding your crypto ransom even worse. ...

Same here but still checking if i get it back no1 knows until we all know

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