209 похожих чатов

Dear admin would you tell us the max and total

supply of $Atlas? Another thing is there is no information about the max and total supply in the white paper. Will you update the white paper that includes the information required above.

6 ответов

5 просмотров

 staratlas(forever): https://galaxy.staratlas.com/tokens/polis https://galaxy.staratlas.com/tokens/atlas

Cahit-Celik Автор вопроса
 staratlas(forever): https://galaxy.star...

You have not still given the information about max supply. In the link there is information about only total supply and current supply!

Cahit Celik
You have not still given the information about max...

Polis 360 ​​million Atlas is inflationary. But currently 36 billion Which depends on the number of players and other variables in the next few years

Cahit Celik
That means there is no limit? Am I right?

As I said before, there are many variables that will be determined in the coming years

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