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Cobra Kai 🐍 (WON’T DM)- Автор вопроса

No sir not trouble shooting issue. BTW may I dm you something security related?

Admins have a tags next to their name e.g. Community, Chef, Owner, Hammer, duck. If you need help type your message in the chat to get help from the community or wait for an admin to respond. BEWARE OF DMs FROM SCAMMERS. Admins will never DM YOU FIRST.

Cobra Kai 🐍 (WON’T DM)- Автор вопроса
Chat here please

No worries. I sent you a screenshot of a scammer that DMed me from your chat sir. Yes that guy 🤣

Cobra Kai 🐍 (WON’T DM)- Автор вопроса
Brain Dead ( i won't dm u first )
u might receive more, Just report block em sir. th...

Always. I am from the team of another project with a large TG lol. They can't trick us sir. 💪🏻

Cobra Kai 🐍 (WON’T DM)- Автор вопроса
Brain Dead ( i won't dm u first )
u might receive more, Just report block em sir. th...

Thanks buddy. I followed up in DMs also. Are you able to help me with that?

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