210 похожих чатов

I hold an ETH LP position in Bancor 2.1 (not

yet migrated). I understand ILP was paused a couple of weeks ago and have been loosely following the goings on but not every detail. Can anyone give a simple answer as to whether ILP will ever return? I don’t need to access the ETH with any urgency and would rather wait and withdraw my deposit in full vs access now and lose a chunk of it. I read the latest medium post and still not clear. Anyone got any advice?

2 ответов

3 просмотра

We're working towards the best possible resolutions, but without knowing the details of those resolutions yet and whether the DAO eventually votes for or against them, there really are no simple answers to your questions unfortunately.

There's been discussion around withdrawals requiring migration to v3, and this is where it stands currently...

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