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Guys i've got some questions about pulsechain. If i buy

HEX now, is it true that i will have the equivalent in pHEX on the pulsechain once its launched???

12 ответов

1 просмотр

YES, its true,same number of token but different value

ERC-20s on Ethereum held through the fork will be 'copied' 1:1 as 'PRC-20s' on Pulsechain (same quantity, not the same US$-value). HEX on Ethereum (native) = HEX HEX on Pulsechain (native, ie the ‘forked’ tokens) = HEX HEX bridged from Ethereum to Pulsechain (so, 'wrapped') = eHEX HEX bridged from Pulsechain to Ethereum (so, 'wrapped') = pHEX

Bull-Gates Автор вопроса
YES, its true,same number of token but different v...

okay but eventually the $ value will become 1:1????

Bull Gates
okay but eventually the $ value will become 1:1???...

What the market-price of HEX on Pulsechain might be is entirely unknown

Bull-Gates Автор вопроса
Under 3c $Hex Buyer $Dodeca
Or more

okay thanks. And is there a cut off date for this? or a snapshot going to be taken?

Bull-Gates Автор вопроса
No date for the fork yet.

okay, so no need to buy now?

Bull Gates
okay but eventually the $ value will become 1:1???...

Anyone claiming to know is lying. Nothing like this has ever been done before.

Bull Gates
okay, so no need to buy now?

There will not be a big window between when the mainnet is about to go live (announcement) and when it does go live. So it’s up to you to figure out when you should buy or not and how much you want to be certain you avoid missing the fork

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