I'M a freelancer @ Fiverr - just started though. Please

what do I need from my clients in order to make Telegram bots for them?

17 ответов

4 просмотра
Dennis- Автор вопроса

I need everyone's help please

Dennis- Автор вопроса

I know about BotFather and how to generate the bot API, I'm not sure if the client would generate the API or not.

Dennis- Автор вопроса
I know about BotFather and how to generate the bot...

And again, once I have created the bot, how do I keep it running as long as the client is still using it?

Read the documentation.

And again, once I have created the bot, how do I k...

You use a webserver or an infinite while loop

I know about BotFather and how to generate the bot...

>Generate the bot token* . If your client will run the bot for itself then they should create them for themselves. Also each account has a limit of 20 bot accounts

Dennis- Автор вопроса
Fabian Pastor
You use a webserver or an infinite while loop

Webserver, do you mean something like namecheap?

Webserver, do you mean something like namecheap?

A webserver that accept https queries requests...

Dennis- Автор вопроса
Fabian Pastor
A webserver that accept https queries requests...

How do I access a webserver? Is it something I will have to pay for?

Webserver, do you mean something like namecheap?

server is software + hardware , so yes namechaep , nginix , apache etc..

Dennis- Автор вопроса
Yes I do

Nice, the go to the pinned message and read the tutorial

Thank you

if you have questions after reading it poke us another time

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