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Treasury allow me to extend the lock period to an

other 120D period, I knew that I could have extend the period once, but now would be the second extend in a row, is this a new feature?

2 ответов

3 просмотра

Yep, either you click on a 120d-120d-120d-… schedule or on a 239d-1d-239d-1d-… schedule or anything in between, but on average it will be once in every 120d period.

Yep, either you click on a 120d-120d-120d-… schedu...

That's what's happened with me. 120 day lock x1. Auto renew on, once it starts the next 120 day cycle auto renew is off. At some point in that new 120 days I have needed to enable the auto renew again. For me personally I like that.

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