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Is metal total supply like 10 times more than mtl?

5 ответов

1 просмотр
Sam-Mundy Автор вопроса
Sam Mundy
And MTL total?

66M and is planned to be deflationary upon XMD governance and (not confirmed) XMD minting.

Sam-Mundy Автор вопроса
Pepito⚛️ (Won’t DM First).
66M and is planned to be deflationary upon XMD gov...

so how does the maths work when the max supply is 10 times in difference but conversion is 0.5 MTL to 1 Metal

Sam Mundy
so how does the maths work when the max supply is ...

MTL and METAL are two very different things, with two very different speculative values or market cap. It's not as simply as you are making it.

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