209 похожих чатов

👽 Hello Explorers! It's a wonderful day here in Alien Worlds!

👽 Where are you mining today?

1️⃣ Veles
2️⃣ Neri
3️⃣ Eyeke
4️⃣ Naron
5️⃣ Magor
6️⃣ Kavian

💬 Send a screenshot of the Planet, Land type and the Land coordinates you are mining today!

First 3 lucky active explorers who send their screenshots will receive 1x Standard Issue Axe each!

⛏ Mine now:
👉🏽 https://play.alienworlds.io/

1 ответов

2 просмотра
Darica Lewiz- Автор вопроса

Nice one buddy. Thanks for sharing. What's your wam please?

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