Похожие чаты

What channel data do I need to insert into send_as?

I try through the channel id and writes "got an unexpected keyword argument "send_as""

7 ответов

3 просмотра

Update your telethon, if not show the code.

Update telethon + you need premium account to use this

Benequera- Автор вопроса
Update your telethon, if not show the code.

message = await client.send_message(entity=user.id, message=text, comment_to=msg_id, send_as = '-1001825783182') This is how I'm trying to send a message right now

Benequera- Автор вопроса

message = await client.send_message(entity=user.id, message=text, comment_to=msg_id, send_as = '@iwiuvceezt') This post didn't help either.

message = await client.send_message(entity=user.id...

Please enable logging: import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) If you need more information, use logging.DEBUG instead.

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