210 похожих чатов

Please i want to ask why i haven't received my

0.01BNB i sent from Binance account to Huobi account, and later send same 0.01BNB from Trust wallet to Huobi account, while I got the one sent from Trust wallet, i have not gotten the one sent from Binance, only to see email email from Binance saying 0.0095BNB has been sent and Huobi allows only 0.01BNB.

Please how can i get my BNB back if it can't deposit?

2 ответов

3 просмотра
Core Prince- Автор вопроса


Core Prince

Core Prince (0) has increased reputation of Nilla - Huobi Knight 🇮🇩| WILL NOT DM YOU FIRST (283)

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