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Hey guys, do you use a graphic tablet to make

diagrams while working? For example, I am working on some complex microservice based tasks, and ngl its pretty hard to keep track of things. I think drawing stuff will help. I can draw on paper using pencil, but in the times of the existence of normal tablets or wacom tablets, I find keeping it digital safer and more convenient. Is it worth investing into such devices for my usecase?

4 ответов

10 просмотров

I just use mermaidjs in markdown and write my flows and diagrams. Easier to maintain and update with flat files

MrObjectOriented-Ass Автор вопроса
Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
I just use mermaidjs in markdown and write my flow...

hmm, does this work well for rough diagrams? because I see it is more of a diagram making tool than the kind of rough diagram and doodling we do while working on a solution

MrObjectOriented Ass
hmm, does this work well for rough diagrams? becau...

I do it all the time when in discussion. Just have to type fast enough and ask enough questions on what each node is and where it goes to

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