Hey criminalas, when can I get back my USDC?

28 ответов

102 просмотра

if they're criminals, what's the point of your question?

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if they're criminals, what's the point of your que...

They are not? They stole money. I ask with hope they will go down.

They are not? They stole money. I ask with hope th...

You misunderstand me. You say they're criminals, and then you ask when they'll give you your money back. If they are criminals, they will never give you your money back and the question is meaningless, that's what i'm saying

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You misunderstand me. You say they're criminals, a...

And that is what I said. I don't think they will return anything. And try to blackmail me now.

And that is what I said. I don't think they will r...

i won't say that they are criminals, the story is not over yet, but I hope that the story ends positively in our favor and we get our money

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And that is what I said. I don't think they will r...

We aren’t scammed yet We will surely receive our money back

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We aren’t scammed yet We will surely receive our ...

kids kids kids, don't spam me anymore please

You are a kid.

if you say so, though i'm 30

i won't say that they are criminals, the story is ...

The story is that they stole your money. It's all on chain.

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if you say so, though i'm 30

find someone else to chat maybe

find someone else to chat maybe

rudeness is not an option, mate

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rudeness is not an option, mate

time wasting even more, bye

time wasting even more, bye

you are actually a very funny person, mate, you came in, you wrote some pointless shit, it was pointed out to you, then you started writing something else, then you called others kids, finally you said you didn't want to waste your time, all your actions make so much sense. If your fucking important time is so precious then don't come to this fucking chat and waste it here, spare us your expensive priceless society

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you are actually a very funny person, mate, you ca...

f .................... kids, firstly U spam a lot, after U start to insult me ................ Nope, You are funny fat guy, fat troll who is looking for a friend, I am not interested!! Stop writing to me !!!!!!!!!!!!

f .................... kids, firstly U spam a lot,...

you just proved you're a really stupid degenerate, get the fuck outta here, motherfucker

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you just proved you're a really stupid degenerate,...

I proved that U are an spamming idiot! I am not interested in talking to U. Bye bye bye and alivederci

I proved that U are an spamming idiot! I am not in...

i already said you a few times, fuck off, how stupid are you that you have to repeat that several times?

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i already said you a few times, fuck off, how stup...

U idiot, fatty boy wiriting to me. I told u kido, not interested in u. Find mama and tell her ur storry

if you're not interested, why do you keep answering me, idiot??? You're really stupid. Being dumb is like being dead, only the people around you know it. Get the fuck outta here

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if you're not interested, why do you keep answerin...

hey fatty boy, just moment ago someone tried to scamm me ... and get my grab my money offering help buhahah. See fatty? I am clever and knew it is next scam. But you will stay forever cretino bambino. Fatty boy.

hey fatty boy, just moment ago someone tried to sc...

you're such a shameful and stupid fuck, you couldn't calm down and came to write this, but realize you're already up to your neck in shit. you've already shit yourself in public and everyone can see you're a fuck, but you're just making it worse. do not try to talk with people, don't insult them with your presence

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you're such a shameful and stupid fuck, you couldn...

you are just simple fatty boy who is scared and tried to find friends. You don't accept the reality. Live in dreams, don't know live. And you try to transfer that delusion on random people. Probably u are broke and can't accept lost.

you are just simple fatty boy who is scared and tr...

what a ridiculous attempt to pass off your flawed childish notions of life as reality. Be a man, wipe your snot and get the fuck out of here, you're already in the shit

M&A- Автор вопроса
what a ridiculous attempt to pass off your flawed ...

bla bla bla stopped reading that ... not interested

bla bla bla stopped reading that ... not intereste...

There is a big mistake in your logic, if a person is not interested, they don't respond, and you keep responding and keep proving that you are just a stupid degenerate, you don't need more than that

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