‌/R/Pathofexile moderation changes top scoring links : pathofexile (RSS) Hi, everyone. On

behalf of the subreddit mod team, I’m here to give you a few updates on the subreddit's moderation team, and lay out some plans to make things better as we go forward. Livejamie stepping down /u/livejamie has resigned as a subreddit moderator. The current situation is eroding trust in the community, and preventing the rest of the team from keeping the subreddit clean. The community takes priority over any one individual. Other mods stepping down In total, 6 moderators have chosen to step down this weekend. This includes our most active moderator, as well as two moderators who put in tons of effort updating the new league info sticky every launch weekend. Some mods cited the subreddit’s tone and messages they’ve received as the reason, but others just felt it was time to move on. We wish /u/AthenaWhisper, /u/blvcksvn, /u/EliteIsh, /u/jwfiredragon and /u/KavanWee all the best and our gratitude for the time and effort that they’ve dedicated to the community. It’s important to remember that when people resort to insults it negatively affects real people on the other side of the screen who love Path of Exile just as much as everyone else. For those of you who have participated in good faith this weekend, presented and upvoted factual evidence without personal attacks, and made constructive suggestions, thank you. Before this weekend, we were already strained for active moderators. This situation led to more aggressive automod removal settings which temporarily removed posts that the community was interested in, and a general inability to review reports quickly. Until we can ramp up our capacity over the next few weeks, we will not be able to go through all reported content in a timely manner. Thankfully, a lot of great people have applied to help moderate the subreddit. Why wasn’t this done sooner? Speaking personally as /u/Multiplicity here. I’m very sorry that we didn’t address the community’s concerns here in past years. I think the community would have had a lot more confidence in us if we had an open discussion about this and taken actions earlier based on your feedback. For as long as the subreddit has been around, members of our team have been involved in moderating community discords, developing PoE 3rd party tools/guides and even been content creators themselves. When the above subreddit moderator asked if it was okay to also moderate TFT 4 years ago, then stopped and remained a VIP, I didn’t have any inkling it would be such a problem down the road. As time went on and controversy increased, we didn’t update our stance since involvement in other parts of the community had not been an issue. I regret not taking the time to update our stance until now. Why this won’t ever happen again The moderator team here has focused on rules for the community and making the experience better for years, but has not written down privately or publicly an internal code of conduct. This will be changing to suit the needs of a much larger community with expectations for their moderation team. To that end, we're beginning to publish and work with the community to develop a public set of /r/pathofexile moderator guidelines. These guidelines will include things like moderators' ability to participate in external communities with moderator or special privileges, as well as rules for managing posts that relate to them. We’ll take these very seriously, and if someone in the team intentionally breaks these guidelines, they will be removed. Some of these were already guidelines we followed internally, and writing them out will help keep each other accountable. There are two specific new policies I’d like to call out here:

- Moderators may not take any moderation...

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Мде-мде, потеря аж 6 модеров - это серьезно Надеюсь что там не начнется толпа репост ботов и прочей фигни

Все нормально просто пришло время двигаться дальше ))) пойдут на повышения и начнут торговать оружием . То что субредит модерировал по факту один человек всем было похуй .

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