Hello, could someone explain the USDN-USDT farming pool? Considering we

are talking about TWO stable coins, aprox $1 each, if I put 500 USDT, the system should ask me the equivalent in USDN, so 500 USDN.. but the system ask me about 1200+ USDN instead... in that case it makes absolutely no sense the stable nature of this pool... and the risk of impermanent loss increases a lot..

3 ответов

14 просмотров

Hello. This is the ratio of investing into the pool with stables. Tokens are not entered into the pool in the same proportion, but in what proportion they are in the pool. And the price in pools depends on the ratio of tokens, so for other pools this price equality works. But the price in pools of stabelcoins is calculated using the coefficient (amplifier). Also, in the case of pools where both assets are stables, this risk is almost absent

EtherNauta- Автор вопроса
Boris | WX Network
Hello. This is the ratio of investing into the poo...

thanks for the response, so if both tokens stay aprox at +/- $1 each, and I invest 500 USDT + 1270 USDN, I can expect to always keep those amounts intact.. I mean 3 months later I will still have aprox 500 USDT + 1270 USDN + the tokens I farmed

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