I'M in top 100 wallets of WX holders😝 Who else

is there?

6 ответов

46 просмотров

Im at the top 100 too 😎

Alex-Rossi Автор вопроса
Im at the top 100 too 😎

👍 Lets meet up in StTropez next year. I'll be on a white yacht🤣🤣🤣

Alex-Rossi Автор вопроса
Alex Rossi
👍 Lets meet up in StTropez next year. I'll be on a...

100 3PHsT2r9T5xwVpykbFfiiArGdQs5g9WpFpv 873.32530622

Alex Rossi
100 3PHsT2r9T5xwVpykbFfiiArGdQs5g9WpFpv ...

2926 https://wavescap.com/asset/WX/richlist

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