Do you plan to add new pools and tokens for

trading on 21 february too?

5 ответов

8 просмотров

Hey there! Please wait for announcements :)

Markus- Автор вопроса
Leo | Waves.Exchange
Hey there! Please wait for announcements :)

ok. do you know when the announcement will be ? :D

Markus- Автор вопроса

well but i think that is on of the problem with waves. its always a secret on what you are working at the moment. maybe you should improve that^^

well but i think that is on of the problem with wa...

Thank you for your feedback! Please check this article: "Waves.Exchange: a recap of 2021 and plans for 2022". As for our future plans, you can find a Roadmap on our new WX token/Exchange and more details by following this link: "WX Token Protocol". Also, please take a look at our recent post on upcoming global Waves updates:

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