How to check whats the avrage APY in the liquidity

pools without boosting?

8 ответов

9 просмотров

Hello. You can find this info on the Pools page

P-Ander Автор вопроса
screenshot Hello. You can find this info on the Pools page

Which pool has higher APY, USDT/USDN or BUSD/USDN?

P Ander
Which pool has higher APY, USDT/USDN or BUSD/USDN?

The first one, as it consists of vAPY+tAPY

P-Ander Автор вопроса
The first one, as it consists of vAPY+tAPY

But BUSD/USDN has vAPY of 600% what does this mean same as 600% APY?

P Ander
But BUSD/USDN has vAPY of 600% what does this mean...

You can find more info regarding Liquidity Pools and reward in our FAQ

P Ander
Which pool has higher APY, USDT/USDN or BUSD/USDN?

You can find more info regarding Liquidity Pools and reward in our FAQ

Then you’d better investigate this question by yourself and all the risks concerning any investing step. The best way to do it with the FAQ I sent you above.

P-Ander Автор вопроса
Then you’d better investigate this question by you...

I check this but if i still go to calculate income gives better APY with the BUSD/USDN pool so theres might be something that still dont understand

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