How did sasha get the email adress of alameda with

the waves adress ? Isnt it information only wx has

15 ответов

24 просмотра

Who care

because on waves exchange you gotta bind an address to an email address...

Selltop- Автор вопроса

sasha is the founder of waves and vires... he has access

Blockchain never lies

Selltop- Автор вопроса
sasha is the founder of waves and vires... he has ...

lol and Jesse powell has access to your kraken email, doesn't mean he can connect your adress to your email publicly, I think you are mistaking

Selltop- Автор вопроса
Pedro J. 🔹 Misterpks
Blockchain never lies

there are meta data that can let you read address ?

lol and Jesse powell has access to your kraken ema...

yes, they can connect my email address to their deposit addresses... it's the same thing.. when you use waves exchange and connect your wallet, you gotta provide an email address as well.

Selltop- Автор вопроса
yes, they can connect my email address to their de...

I mean it is highly confidential, they wouldnt give it

I mean it is highly confidential, they wouldnt giv...

waves exchange is not a regulated company, what are you talking about lol

But that's not publicly accessible ?

Anything on the blockchain is publically accessible to anyone.

Selltop- Автор вопроса
Small bogger boy
Anything on the blockchain is publically accessibl...

When you register an account with email on WX exchange your email is publicly accessible oO ?

When you register an account with email on WX exc...

it is not. Only people working on waves exchange can see it.

When you are asking big transfer's via gateway you can try to contact support to speed thinks up and than you need to verive as I understood

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