@Yukatyan Sorry for the basic question, but in usdn/usdt pool,

where does "Base vAPY" profit come from ? What generates this profit?

4 ответов

29 просмотров

Hello. It’s the profit, that AMM bot gets from trading if explain it in simple words.

Eduardo ◤✠◢ 🇧🇷- Автор вопроса
Hello. It’s the profit, that AMM bot gets from tra...

But where does it come from? If any fee? The difference in price between those who buy and those who sell? I can't understand the origin.

Eduardo ◤✠◢ 🇧🇷
But where does it come from? If any fee? The diffe...

There are a lot of great videos about AMMs and Defi in general. I don’t think she can do a whole lesson in it here.

Eduardo ◤✠◢ 🇧🇷
But where does it come from? If any fee? The diffe...

It’s more complicated formula, then just the difference in price, you can get more info from the FAQ

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