I have an idea, but i dont know where should

i write this.

Waves is the backbone of the waves ecosystem. It powers the chain as validator reward, backs usdn n act as gas fee. It has a store of value potential. But over the years, staking reward has been less competitive and the growth of new tokens on waves, tho healthy , has become a sort of competition to the waves coin itself.

What if we have a long term staking program which accrue reward from multiple projects?

Imagine staking waves with a one month minimum for example n get waves, wx, vires and enno as reward? Apr would be delicious and we get loyal holders

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kingcrypto.bit | Sekolah Kripto- Автор вопроса

Another way to look at this is to have a dynamic lp token that can be staked and borrow concurrently. Imagine a waves-usdn lp that accrue wx reward, while getting staking reward 50% of its value and vires reward from lending.

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