Hi everyone! I’m looking for help to understanding of pegged

coins and related algorithms, I created a pool on curve.fi with mycustomtoken/usdc, but I can’t understand how can I control the exchange rate? for example if I’m going to create a gold-pegged coin where 1 coin equals to 1 gram of gold, how can I change the price in a curve.fi pool when the market price of gold is raising? let’s take that today the price of 1 gram is 1usdc, but tomorrow 1.1usdc, how can I automatically adjust the price in my pool? can anyone share some details?

6 ответов

9 просмотров

what kind of coin is?

ser honestly i'm not sure how to answer this. you would need something that tracked the price of your coin like a rate oracle etc. you' cannot simply just adjust the price of your coin, nor the exchange rate. if you create a pool with pegged assetts, you can use stableswapNG. for anything else that's volatile, depending on what you paired it with. you'd be better off using cryptoswap

That’s not something the market maker can do. You are the asset issuer. You need create a backed asset. You cannot just deploy an asset and peg it to a price so simply (then it becomes a synth). Once you create such a backed asset, there needs to be good arbitrage paths that searchers use to arbitrage the price of that asset to the reference asset’s value.

If you did your job correctly (wherein you actually created an asset which is truly pegged to gold), then arbitrageurs will handle the price of that asset, provided there is a way for them to: If gold price goes down: Buy cheap gold, deposit it in your vault, mint gold backed coins, sell it on the amm which quotes a higher price and reduce price of that gold pegged stablecoin in the amm while making a profit. If gold goes up: Buy cheap gold pegged asset from the amm. Price of that asset in the amm goes up. Go to your vault, redeem gold pegged asset for real gold. Sell real gold for fiat at a higher rate. Make profit.

so we are working on an index coin project and track the underlying assets’ prices with rate oracles

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