Yeap, thanks guys for response, but I really like to

understand does a pool created on has the option or api or I can call a function of a smart contract to set exchange rate that I want to set right now? like a synth, yes and gold-pegged token is an example to describe the logic which I’m trying to achieve
the definition of free market mechanisms are clear for me, but I’m looking for a knowledge how to create a such pool that I’m needed

11 ответов

12 просмотров

no ser you cannot manually change the exchange rate of your pool.

you want to know how to deploy a pool?

Oleg Karoza- Автор вопроса
no ser you cannot manually change the exchange rat...

but then how can I implement my gold-pegged coin? theoretically I have backend services which are track cost 1 gram of gold and at some moment when I get information that the price went a bit higher on a specific CEX I needed to adjust the exchange rate in my pool otherwise I’m going to lose some money from arbitragers who will abuse my pool because the exchange rate reacts too slow and the price of my token doesn’t follow the price of real gold, any chance or any mechanism on DEX can help me?

Oleg Karoza
but then how can I implement my gold-pegged coin? ...

what do you want to pair your gold backed coin with?

Oleg Karoza
but then how can I implement my gold-pegged coin? ...

You want the amm to update the spot price the moment a trade happens offchain?

You want the amm to update the spot price the mome...

This is of course impossible to do. The oracle update woile be frontrun always and you’ll need to compete to update the oracle, and you’ll have to pay a higher transaction cost (maybe even equal to the mev profit) to beat arbitrageurs . Curve doesn’t do amms where spot prices are determined by an external oracle. It’s an automatic market maker that is based on a constant function. AMMs which rely on external oracles are kind of sort of lending protocols (see gmx).

This is of course impossible to do. The oracle upd...

We have some research ongoing which might be useful here though

Oleg Karoza- Автор вопроса
This is of course impossible to do. The oracle upd...

got it, thanks, just for understanding is it possible to write in a smart contact a function to adjust exchange rate by passing new rate via arguments?

Oleg Karoza- Автор вопроса
what do you want to pair your gold backed coin wit...

usdc or usdt, any stablecoin which costs 1usd so I can use it as base and adjust exchange rate to keep price of my token following the price of gold

Oleg Karoza- Автор вопроса
You want the amm to update the spot price the mome...

I don’t like amm to so do, I have backend services which do this work, I just need to adjust exchange rate in my pool

Oleg Karoza
usdc or usdt, any stablecoin which costs 1usd so I...

This is not a property of the amm but a peoperty of the asset. The amm doesn’t set rates, market participants do. I get the feeling some basics is missing but anyway at curve you cannot set (spot) prices for assets

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