Folks, Asking for my own know-how, I deposited some crvUSD

to a curve vault with transaction 0xe60f3c87892f2ccaf479296302d17d3ee3ccfe91da02e1d1728771baae9ef30f.

I understand from convo above that APY is credited every block

Can you please help to see the transactions in etherscan that represent the APT credit to the token holder?

I can already see it in crvhub lending page.

11 ответов

40 просмотров

Hey mate Can you share with me in private so we can look into your issue

Hey mate Can you share with me in private so we can look into your issue

You van try and withdraw and you will get aprs

Hai Chun
Get out now

@mimaklas hmm is this a bot?

Distorted-Cognicist Автор вопроса
You van try and withdraw and you will get aprs

No, I dont want to withdraw. That’s not my question. I only want to see apy credit txns in etherscan

Distorted-Cognicist Автор вопроса
Distorted Cognicist
No, I dont want to withdraw. That’s not my questio...

Well it credits each block but one doesn’t necessarily need a tx to get that always.

Well it credits each block but one doesn’t necessa...

Of course let’s say if you’re the only lender and there is only one borrower, you don’t get yield until the borrower pays. Since even tho this is a peer-to-pool lending model, it looks like peer to peer if there is only one lender and at least one borrower. But if there are many lenders, your yield will most usually come from unutilized funds, and those funds are replenished later when borrower repays or is liquidated.

Distorted-Cognicist Автор вопроса
Well it credits each block but one doesn’t necessa...

Interesting. I have to clarify. The transaction I said is the transaction hash in the etherscan which represents the credit of APY, regardless of whether I withdraw it or not. The fact that some credits (that can be claimed) show up in crvhub means that some internal records have been created in etherscan to represent those credits. All I’m asking for, is how to track those apy credits

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