"VPN" instead of DVPN?
A reason would be an excellent comment to include along your answer
Our main idea is to get our app as result #1 on Google Play / App Store for "DVPN" search query. Obviously, that for query "VPN" we won't be first as there will be larger centralized VPNs which are years on the market.
No Pls enough
Why not change your name to "Telegram" from HDGVII? If you think this is tasteless, don't do it to others.
Its not a matter of tastelessness. Its a matter of people finding the app in an organic way. People look for the word telegram when looking for telegram, and they would search for HDGVII when looking for such a user within telegram.
Your requests to change to VPN are too amateurish. It's something that everyone thinks of but doesn't do because it's stupid. It is pity to think that you are as if the only person in the world who knows "name of VPN is the best". So why don't the major VPN companies call themselves "VPN" as their product? Please don't troll the chat.
Its not a request. Not trolling anyone. it was an honest question. You are too hostile.
This app has no “VPN” in its name, still many users.
Multiple parameters... Download numbers Ages Comments Geopolitic ....
I think this is a smart strategy. I envision in a year or more people will begin looking for dVPNs once people understand what that means. It reminds me of a job I had in 2012 where I worked for an ecig company. And since ecig was such a new search term, we spawned over 100 wordpress pages, with aggregated RSS data from known sources with keywords ecig and others so Google would start recognizing similar terms and end up directed to our company website 😁
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