209 похожих чатов

Also, why can’t the community have a vote/ say when

it comes to initiatives like buybacks. Isn’t the point of crypto decentralisation? Don’t we deserve input as long term supporters?

13 ответов

120 просмотров
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iExec/RLC has never been a DAO project

They said because France sucks basically

Tudor CM - Spanish
iExec/RLC has never been a DAO project

It wasn't a full DAO but they did have a voting mechinism in the portal for some lower impact initiatives and then it was just removed it for whatever reason

They said because France sucks basically

The French FUD was true all along

👨🏽‍🦰- Автор вопроса
Tudor CM - Spanish
iExec/RLC has never been a DAO project

Doesn’t have to be for community input

Doesn’t have to be for community input

Community has, and presumably will, continue to give input.

👨🏽‍🦰- Автор вопроса
Community has, and presumably will, continue to gi...

You insinuated because it’s not a dao the community shouldn’t have a say in things like buybacks

👨🏽‍🦰- Автор вопроса
Input isn’t the same thing as say

What value does input provide if it doesn’t contribute to decisions

What value does input provide if it doesn’t contri...

The majority of the tokens are lagging in the moment. Lets see the bigger picture first before blaming everyone.

What value does input provide if it doesn’t contri...

Sources ideas that the team may not have considered

👨🏽‍🦰- Автор вопроса
Yderf 88
The majority of the tokens are lagging in the mome...

Suggesting community input isn’t blaming anyone

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