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What is the Dex situation? Agora team started with the

Pnetwork for their dex which helped them both with integration. It’s completed but as you can see from the Pnetwork announcement we have to find a new solution. Agora needs a bridge for stable coin and trading pairs. So it was ready for launch but Pnetwork made it not possible. With this in mind and the EVM coming we can use established EVM bridge. We are working on it right now and once it’s completed they can launch.

Will you include multi langages feature to abord people from different country ?
Yes it will be implemented in 2025.

How will you organize the ultra marketplace with ultra EVM and ultra native?
With the advantages with the EVM is that there are ton of EVM based marketplace who can published their smart contract on ultra. Ultra client is designed for accessing application so you will see items appearing from 3rd party services. You will have the ultra uniq marketplace and some EVM marketplace. We will be supporting them with the ultra wallet.

Is there anything that the users have that own erc 20 token or uos holders have to migrate?
Nothing to be done. It will be done seamlessly with Pnetwork. Interacting with the ultra EVM if you have wallet such as metamask you can operate on the ultra EVM. some functionnality with ashes of mankind will connect with EVM wallet as we are integrating now multiple quest that are EVM based. People will earn ash, uos, ressources etc. Just add the ultra EVM to your metamask.

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122 просмотра

Empires part of game will use evm only? Or just some promotions on evm?

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