Hi, I am looking to determine a valid route + swap

params for USDC/USDT.
Looking at this:

I find the ts library (curve-router-js) which is used in the Curve UI to determine route and swap parameters.
In there I find findAllRoutes which seems to be what I need.
However, findAllRoutes itsef ftakes a number of non-trivial params.
How do I go about finding all these params, e.g. pools: IDict<IPoolData>, ADict: IDict<number>, nativeToken: INativeToken, tvlDict: IDict<number> ?

Or am I missing something.. is there a simpler way?
To clarify: All I want is the route + swap params to execute a swap for USDC to 1 USDT.

3 ответов

27 просмотров

hey i saw your messages on discord as well and yes there are many scammers, both on TG and discord (not just in Curve of course) so be very careful

hmm one second. you want to swap between USDC and USDT. i would suggest checking some on-chain settlements first.

Andy- Автор вопроса
hmm one second. you want to swap between USDC and ...

USDC to USDT is semi-random. It should be stable/stable though. To clarify: I am integrating CurveRouterNG in my SC and need to run some tests on the exchange function. My question is about how I can get the params to execute that call.

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