but I'm living in USA currently. is it any way to apply crypto.com card possiblely ?
I want it badly.
Can I put my region as USA instead of China?
If you have US id no one will ever know
If I have US ID, I dont have to ask here
If you do not have an id other than the Chinese one, sadly you can't even register to the app, let alone requesting the visa card
It's extremly sad for this.i'm out of China, why can not do this flexiblely
As far as I know it doesn't matter the country you currently are in.. if you only have chinese id, it means that you are a chinese citizen who perhaps has the same financial rights and duties that every other chinese citizen has.. this includes the forbid of using crypto
As I know so far, you are right.
I hope you will find a way 👍🏻
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