What is going on with crypto.com that it takes two

and a half plus hours and my Bitcoin transaction is still pending in that time I've now lost 5% value geez and all the sites CS has to say is oh we're sorry just be patient though patient to win? I lose 10%? What happened to the days when this was pretty much instant?

2 ответов

11 просмотров

All Users’ deposits are held in cold storage, for security reasons, however, withdrawal requests - for all cryptos - are automated.  In most cases, withdrawals are almost instant and normally should take no longer than 2-3 hours to be processed. https://help.crypto.com/en/articles/2500695-crypto-withdrawals-general-information

Captain Dan- Автор вопроса
Martin | #bornbrave
All Users’ deposits are held in cold storage, for ...

Cro to defi is stuck too... Geez can't get Bitcoin or cro transfers ...

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Я надеюсь мы уже не платим за свое детище ? 🙂
🌶 Adriano Celentano 🇮🇹
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