I was told by support that bots can't see messages

of other bots in group. But my 1 bot just was able to find & forward messages of other bot in same group. Earlier it used to give error "message not found"
What has changed? 🤔

10 ответов

2 просмотра


JP League- Автор вопроса
Ryan Porter

My bot is regular bot. Other bot has Bot in its name. Can a bot change to userbot with bot still in its name?

Kind of... A bot account can't be converted to a user account. But nobody stops you from deleting a bot account and creating a user account with the same name. There is no restriction for users about having "bot" in their own name.

JP League- Автор вопроса
Kind of... A bot account can't be converted to a u...

Given my regular bot surely could not see that bot's messages earlier, so we can say it was a regular bot before and now as my bot can see its messages, it changed to userbot and only way for that to happen is deleting and creating with a useraccount and then renaming as same bot name. Correct? If yes, why i think that bot was not deleted is old chat i had with that is still there i.e. bot private chat. New user always get a new userID. isn't it? Old bot chat should be *deleted account* 🤔 If i have a point, what can be other possibility?

JP League
Given my regular bot surely could not see that bot...

yes. Did you verify, that it's a user account now? Did you change the privacy setting of your bot using BotFather?

JP League- Автор вопроса
yes. Did you verify, that it's a user account now...

The only way i am deducing that stranger bot is a userbot now (after you told me of possibility), is that my regular bot is able to see (like forward/reply/etc) its messages. Earlier, some week back, it was not able to. Error was something like "message not found" My bot's privacy was never enabled. never changed. Just checked. not enabled What can be other possiblity?

JP League
The only way i am deducing that stranger bot is a ...

You can verify by looking at the profile of the bot. Does it say "Bot" or something like "last seen a while ago"? (not sure, what the exact text is in english^^)

JP League- Автор вопроса
You can verify by looking at the profile of the bo...

No. It says nothing like that. It has a Bot in end like in past. But it does upload files like >20 mb so either it is copying them or is a userbot itself. Can i Private message you its name?

JP League
No. It says nothing like that. It has a Bot in end...

With a local bot api server bots can send files up to 2000MB. Yes, you can.

JP League- Автор вопроса

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