Hello, I wrote a bot in bash. Is it normal

for it not to work stably?😁

43 ответов

74 просмотра

bash? try assembly

absolutely lmao. I wanna see source tho

Dude can i see ur code please

Maybe bash is not the best language to write a bot in :D

Яico X

Assembly? What's that, I write machine code directly

Assembly? What's that, I write machine code direct...

After seeing a bot written in brainfuck nor assembly or bash can surprise me

s0m31 🇷🇺
After seeing a bot written in brainfuck nor assemb...

Is it forbidden to send the name of the bot I wrote in bash here?

🇹🇷⃟mσrєlαnd⸶༂↦ 𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗶
Is it forbidden to send the name of the bot I wrot...

Welp better just don't. I would like to see a source more than the bot itself

Assembly? What's that, I write machine code direct...

Machine code? Pathetic. I wire the logic in hardware.

s0m31 🇷🇺
After seeing a bot written in brainfuck nor assemb...

For brainfuck you can make a transpiler very easily

Luca Patera


🇹🇷⃟mσrєlαnd⸶༂↦ 𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗶
Is it forbidden to send the name of the bot I wrot...

People have shared codes linking to their bots in the past in the chat https://t.me/BotTalk/646504

s0m31 🇷🇺

And I love "fix typo" commit: https://github.com/yilbegan/telefuck/commit/ca21468e9064edab86f1f1810416ef6ec6fd596a

go tell that to yilbegan

s0m31 🇷🇺
go tell that to yilbegan

Does it capture stdout and makes requests using other tools?

Does it capture stdout and makes requests using ot...

Welp i took a quick look at its python interpreter and it doesn't seem so. Didn't get in details however

So custom intepreter?

Is there an official one?

s0m31 🇷🇺
Is there an official one?

I mean it probably has some out-of-standart features

🇹🇷⃟mσrєlαnd⸶༂↦ 𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗶

Haha, I don't mind hastebin. It's just funny how you mentioned two times that it will be on github and used some other service

🇹🇷⃟mσrєlαnd⸶༂↦ 𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗶

The code you posted won't work, because you always call "$API_URL/getUpdates". You always fetch the same updates and never mark the updates as "read". Also you only check one single update per /getUpdates call. This is very expensive and unnecessary. You should consider adding a loop inside the loop and process all updates in there

Яico X
The code you posted won't work, because you always...

I don't even know how to make an array in bash


Яico X
The code you posted won't work, because you always...

If anyone still wants to look source code -> https://github.com/ErdemXp/bash-chatgpt/

..... I don't know much about Bash. This bot was just a test

🇹🇷⃟mσrєlαnd⸶༂↦ 𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗶
..... I don't know much about Bash. This bot was j...

You do a curl requests in plain bash to telegram and then use python one to get chatgpt answer

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