Bot just to show api online status?
Hey there can i react on messages with bot api?
Any idea why's this happening? when I use vpn it works fine.
Is there something wrong with format>? "{TOKEN}/SendPhoto?chat_id={user_id}&photo={IMG}&caption={MSG.format(BOT_NAME)}" Cuz message didn't arrived...
Any idea about this? Telegram says: [400 PEER_ID_INVALID] - The peer id being used is invalid or not known yet. Make sure you meet the peer before interacting with it Usin...
Hello there whenever I am trying to get session string it is always none why?? my code: i = TelegramClient("my_bot_", api_id=API_ID, api_hash=API_HASH) await i.start() print(...
Any idea what's this? BadMsgNotification: [17] The msg_id is too high, the client time has to be synchronized. never see this before.
How many messages I can delete at once using my bot?
man? wan't is telegram's official bot? why deleted msg?
Hello! is it is possible to use markdown formatting in Inline buttons? > any help would be appreciated
🙂 why delete? I just tried to answer his question. <and if my answer was off-topic then his question too is.)
Hello there, Can anyone suggest me the best python library for tg bots? Please include some pros too.
or your? who didn't even bother to search docs, whatsoever offtopic.
Is there a CPP library for bots?
Is there any MTProto based wrapper for bots written in Java?
Hello!! I want to ask something Is it's true that old bots are fast and new bots are slow?