I need to develop a supply and demand robot, who

can help me develop it? With rewards

34 ответов

29 просмотров

Develop it yourself and read the pinned message

小天- Автор вопроса
Develop it yourself and read the pinned message

But can I still complete development without the foundation to write code?

But can I still complete development without the f...

Yep. Just use stuff like @manybot Or learn one language

小天- Автор вопроса
s0m31 🇷🇺
Yep. Just use stuff like @manybot Or learn one l...

Which language is better for beginners to learn when developing robots?

Which language is better for beginners to learn wh...

I like java. People recommend python. Anything except php, brainfuck, c++ and stuff like that will work

小天- Автор вопроса

I hate it but you may use it aswell

ʀᷢɪͥɴᷡᴋⷦᴜͧ ᴅͩᴀⷽᴡᷱɴᷡ  ‌
But you define a function for that

thats the point: this language does not even have a function to split a string by default

Huh Fortran is so easy and fast

how can you recommend it to a beginner then? When he has to create all the methods by himself?

ʀᷢɪͥɴᷡᴋⷦᴜͧ ᴅͩᴀⷽᴡᷱɴᷡ  ‌
Huh Fortran is so easy and fast

yet it is not popular at all. How many people will answer here with python question? How many with Java? And I don't know anyone who uses Fortran as his main lang here

ʀᷢɪͥɴᷡᴋⷦᴜͧ ᴅͩᴀⷽᴡᷱɴᷡ  ‌
But c++ or Fortran teaches you from base

No thanks. I would rather learn to write clean high-level optimized code rather than learning how everything works on low level

s0m31 🇷🇺
yet it is not popular at all. How many people will...

I use ruby as main language. I consider Fortran for game development or so

when did i?

s0m31 🇷🇺
when did i?

Me still thinking when you can learn Java then why not c++

s0m31 🇷🇺
where did i call it trash again?

Never tried java but heard it's the most though language

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