65 ответов

17 просмотров


You can create an ai yourself to do that.

so how do i do

ᴄᴏᴅᴇʀx {offline();}
Code it as simple as that.

I'm new to this, I don't know much, it's simple to you 😂 it's not that simple to me

Veysel 「✨𝕰𝖋𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖊✨」
where can i learn coding for telegram bots

Learn Python on YT the learn pyrogram at docs.pyrogram.com

Veysel 「✨𝕰𝖋𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖊✨」
where can i learn coding for telegram bots

start from learning how to code, I suggest Python for starters and here's one of the best courses out there: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-osiE80TeTskrapNbzXhwoFUiLCjGgY7

Veysel 「✨𝕰𝖋𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖊✨」
teşekkür ederim 😊

you're welcome but please let's use only English here :)

ʀᷢɪͥɴᷡᴋⷦᴜͧ ᴅͩᴀⷽᴡᷱɴᷡ  ‌
Why only python

because someone needs to start somewhere and Python is one of the easiest languages to learn

please re-read what i said

In python once Library installed, you can never know what all libraries are installed

ʀᷢɪͥɴᷡᴋⷦᴜͧ ᴅͩᴀⷽᴡᷱɴᷡ  ‌
Cause telegram is more towards python

no, because Python is one of the most popular programming languages out there with huge community support

and how is this related :( we are suggesting here a programming language for a beginner

and how is this related :( we are suggesting here ...

Probably the language he knows and thinks it's the best

ʀᷢɪͥɴᷡᴋⷦᴜͧ ᴅͩᴀⷽᴡᷱɴᷡ  ‌

we're talking about telegram bot coding here, stop holding a stupid position about ruby

Then suggest php or go :)


When telegram copycats discord they will also have updated libraries for a copycat language

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