What the heck happened with crypto.com ? You're listing new

worthless memecoins like ApeCoin or Shiba and totally ignoring the most popular coins like Thorchain.

I keep asking but still no answer to my questions on Reddit CDC

This is totally unacceptable:

- RUNE deposits allowed via BEP2, but BEP2 withdrawals are disabled ...

- RUNE price in the app is usually way off the real price, misleading the users

- Daily trading is limited to 100 RUNE (around 700-900 USD) for one of the biggest exchanges in the world ...

Why nobody dares to answer? Terrible communication from crypto.com

6 ответов

9 просмотров
Skywalker- Автор вопроса

haha, apparently you have no idea how these exchanges are called. It's CEX ... I totally understand that what they're doing is going for a cash grab. They know that ApeCoin has billions in daily volume, so it's free money for crypto.com But also Thorchain is getting lots of traction lately. So do you think that limiting daily trading to 700 USD is generating them good money? 😂

haha, apparently you have no idea how these exchan...

CEX is a Centralized Finance Exchange.. it's 100% the same as saying what I said.. you can call it however you wish Btw no, you don't know what the requirements for listing are apparently if you think it's a matter of trading volume

Skywalker- Автор вопроса
A | Intercept Games
CEX is a Centralized Finance Exchange.. it's 100% ...

I don't know if you actually understood my question. I'm not asking to list Thorchain. I'm asking for CDC to not scam my deposited RUNE tokens ... And give it back to me over BEP2, same way as I deposited them in ... Is that much to ask? To not be scammed by a global exchange ?

I don't know if you actually understood my questio...

I wasn't answering your question, rather addressing your previous statement: "You're listing new worthless memecoins like ApeCoin or Shiba and totally ignoring the most popular coins like Thorchain"

Skywalker- Автор вопроса
A | Intercept Games
CEX is a Centralized Finance Exchange.. it's 100% ...

rofl, so you're saying that crypto.com is totally not listing ApeCoin because of the mega hype and huge trading volume which means free millions daily for CDC (free money and also free marketing with new users joining)? 🤦‍♂️

Skywalker- Автор вопроса
A | Intercept Games
I wasn't answering your question, rather addressin...

So what's the issue with that message? Is CDC spending their efforts on listing memecoins? YES Is CDC at the same time abandoning real and serious projects like Thorchain (already listed, but abandoned)? YES It's just facts

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