Using the CRO Migration Tool on DeFi Wallet - do

I need Ethereum cronos or erc20 for network fee?

8 ответов

42 просмотра

Depends which network you are gonna use

SarJosKen-Cap Автор вопроса
Depends which network you are gonna use

i’m in CDC Defi Wallet & using the Migration tool in the app - there’s no network option - just telling me how much eth i need

SarJosKen-Cap Автор вопроса
Depends which network you are gonna use

my wallet network setting is cronos mainnet - so use cronos eth for migration gas?

You are transferring from ERC20 to Cronos. Which means, you'll need ETH on ERC20. More info here ⬇️

SarJosKen-Cap Автор вопроса

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