@Neto well what do you have to say about the

response of the people? are you in anyway concerned?

27 ответов

7 просмотров

We understand our users are not happy with the changes, nobody likes losing an income source — But we have taken constructive feedback on the way the changes were made, and we hope to rework the processes to work with our users better.

Neto | Crypto.com
We understand our users are not happy with the cha...

Cuts are to lean.. Better deals elsewhere.. You will loose customers for sure. Sad to see.

Neto | Crypto.com
We understand our users are not happy with the cha...

Then do something about it. Better cut the marketing budget instead of the mco rewards. This makes no sense

It could be that we held our rates as long as possible, only reducing when it was absolutely the last measure — We had 2+ years of great growth (and cost with the growth,) but the company does have to maintain profits/financial stability to stay alive, our high rates were available for over 2 years, and we are sad to see them go (for now)

To be entirely fair, users would have earned 24% interest on their 3mo USD stakes. There was numerous users who had six figures+ on Earn for that time.. so, from a customer perspective.. there was ample time to get it while the going was good

Neto | Crypto.com
It could be that we held our rates as long as poss...

You’re doing a great job Neto. Hard to be front line right now. I know CDC will provide better utility and benefits when conditions change. I appreciate the DOSH opportunities and look forward to other clever perks too.

Neto | Crypto.com
It could be that we held our rates as long as poss...

You made a huge investment in advertising and now r.i.p. reputation. 😢

Neto | Crypto.com
It could be that we held our rates as long as poss...

U are sponsoring millionaires for multiple years but ur screwing us

Neto | Crypto.com
To be entirely fair, users would have earned 24% i...

Not true, customers in Switzerland had never access to this.

Billy the Pride Cat 🌈
You’re doing a great job Neto. Hard to be front li...

Thanks Billy! Community is never easy, but it’s not supposed to be! I’ll keep up with our benefits team and push for quality products to be included, if possible

Not true, customers in Switzerland had never acces...

That’s a regulatory issue, there’s not much that can be done there

Neto | Crypto.com
That’s a regulatory issue, there’s not much that c...

3 times bad news regarding earn, perks and staking. Do you guys also have some good news for your customers? Perhaps a coinburn coming or something else?

Neto | Crypto.com
We understand our users are not happy with the cha...

I dont think you understand since the entire company just took a massive dump on their entire consumer base that made them popular in the first place.

We have been transparent about the Earn/Staking rates, and how they were never designed to be permanent.

No, no you weren't. Otherwise, that would be plastered on the front page instead of being hidden. You advertised them front and center to lure people in.

MeLoveCrypto Longtime
No, no you weren't. Otherwise, that would be plast...

I'm here since 2019 and they have been quite transparent about it

Neto | Crypto.com
We have been transparent about the Earn/Staking ra...

Are there plans for a buy back and burn program?

Baron de L
Are there plans for a buy back and burn program?

insiders buy back at 10 cents and customer get burned

MeLoveCrypto Longtime
No, no you weren't. Otherwise, that would be plast...

Yup!! I follow pretty closely and had no idea this wasn’t permanent. Just unstaked my icy and sold everything

Neto | Crypto.com
Loss-leader products are never permanent

Are there plans for a buy back and burn program?

Baron de L
Are there plans for a buy back and burn program?

I’m not aware of anything like this, at this time

Neto | Crypto.com
I’m not aware of anything like this, at this time

Make a poll and ask the community. I will know the answer and these decisions will be half that hard. This is a solid free advise.

Neto | Crypto.com
It could be that we held our rates as long as poss...

Well said but all the spending that was displayed to the world look very irresponsible and at times very immature.

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